Hi, I'm Angeneris! My nickname is just catchier...
I’m a Data Science bootcamp student transitioning to tech from teaching!
Graduated with a B.A in Psychology and Middle School Education from Warren Wilson College where I used statistical data analysis for the first time using SPSS & R for my senior thesis research. I didn't write a single line of code since then till the end of 2021. After graduating, I started teaching in my hometown, Brooklyn, NY. Teaching during the pandemic was really difficult but I loved my students and making a positive impact on their lives. I was still drained beyond repair from the demands of the job without having recovered from a rough few years in college.
My students inspired me to find a new experience that would fill up my cup instead. I knew I wanted a challenge so I started my journey to find the right career for me.
Hi, I'm Angeneris 👋🏽
You can call me Gigi
I’m a Data Science bootcamp student transitioning to tech from teaching!
A little bit of my journey so far
I graduated a few years ago with a B.A in Psychology and Middle School Education from Warren Wilson College. For my senior thesis research project, I had to take a Research Methods course, which I really loved! We learned about statistical analysis, data and how to use the programming language SPSS & R. I didn't write a single line of code again for another 2 years after my senior thesis though.
After graduating, I started teaching in my hometown, Brooklyn, NY during the pandemic. It was really difficult but I loved my students. They're the ones who inspired me to start learning again. I knew I wanted to challenge myself to something new and I figured I'm creative enough, so I started my journey with a UX Design course. I hated it but eventually found topics I actually enjoy like Data Analytics and Programming.
After a year of low commitment online courses, I decided to get serious. I've built my confidence and clarity through developing my tech skills and I'm sharing how I've done it all here! Follow me through my next stop: landing a full time job! 👩🏽💻